Money Map Report Review – How’s Keith Fitz-Gerald’s Service?

So…! Here’s The Ultimate Research Service That Every American Of Retirement Age (Or Approaching It) Needs To Sign Up For – Or They Might Be Missing Out On Tens (Hundreds?) Of Thousands Of Dollars…

money map report review

… And of course, all you need do is send just a little bit of money…

Sorry if we sound cynical, but isn’t that our job?  The marketing message seemed a little deep for us, so much in fact that we almost didn’t do a complete deep dive into the Money Map Report BUT we felt we owe it to YOU, our readers, to ensure if you were thinking of getting it, if it is right for you or not.

Our first thoughts were, if there are ways that the average US retiree can claim a whole load of cash that’s legitimately owed to them, then surely we’d already know about it…?  So we had to look deeper into this because if it’s true, I have to tell my parents about it.

Cue a deep dive into exactly what the Money Map Report is, and whether it honestly can provide some valuable information.  So if you’re considering signing up, then we suggest you give just a couple of minutes of your time to read what we discovered OR if you have your mind made up already, click here now to get it.

What do you get for your money with Money Map Report?

OK… So the first thing that’s crucial to realize is that, despite all the fancy headline grabbing advertising, Money Map Report is an advisory service for money-savvy Americans who want to capitalize on fast approaching events.

In plain English this means it’s an advisory service into opportunities in which you might like to invest. And such a service is often utilized by both retirees with some disposable cash that they’d like to put to work, and to younger Americans who’d also like to see their investments increase.

When you sign up to Money Map Report you receive the following:

  • The Money Map Report monthly newsletter: Once a month, direct to your inbox, you receive two top stop picks that have been hand selected and researched as to being a high reward investment opportunities. These recommendations are based on current, up to the minute, powerful trends and stories that impact the economy, the markets, and ultimately, your wealth. All the Intel is based on six key market trends: demographics, scarcity, medicine, energy, technology, and war/conflict. This is because it’s these very events that have such an impact on what happens in the world’s money markets – and therefore how you can stand to make a bucket load of cash with wise investment moves.
  • The Money Map Report weekly dossiers: Because events often move fast, and you need to keep up to speed on a weekly basis,
  • The Money Map Report trade alerts: When an event occurs that simply can’t wait for the weekly or monthly publication.
  • The Money Map Report audio and video briefings: As the name suggests, these are further informative items brought to you in a manner other than the written word.
  • Twice weekly tactics ad risk management tutorials: These are especially informative and well worth having, as they provide you with insider trading tactics that are usually only available to those who’re wealthy enough to be able to pay the high prices commanded for individual trading advice.
  • 24/7 access to the Money Map Report member’s only website.
  • The Money Map Report concierge service
  • The Hard Assets and Personal Finance Playbook: Discover the inside story on how to acquire the most valuable hard assets at the cheapest prices (think currencies, precious metals, art, antiquities, land…)
  • The Top Five Stocks Paying Double Digit Dividends: Find out the secrets every investor wants most (safe, generous, rising pay-outs) with these five ‘cash cow’ passive income investments.
  • Six Unstoppable Trends About to Make You Rich: Get the lowdown on the investment trends only the Wall Street inside circle really know about – and how you can immediately capitalize on them
  • Nine Places to Retire Like a King, and Make Your Money Last Forever: A report that needs no further explanation…

>> Ready To Try The Money Map Report?  Click Here Now <<

And it doesn’t stop there, because you get the following six eye-opening reports too…

  • How to Claim Your $23,441 in Unpaid Social Security Benefits Within the Next 5 Days: OK, now this eye-watering amount won’t apply to everyone… But we’re betting that pretty much every US citizen out there will discover at least a little bit of cash that they didn’t expect – and get a pay-out quick and fast…
  • Supercharge Your Social Security: 15 Shocking Benefits That Could Make You a Millionaire
  • How to Collect Between $937 and $2,275 in Healthcare Reimbursements Ever Month
  • Earn Thousands in Rent Checks Each Month Courtesy of the Federal Government
  • IRS Proof Your Life: The Ultimate Blueprint for Keeping Uncle Sam’s Hands Off Your Money
  • You Earned It! Get a Bit Piece of the $1.41 Billion in Free Federal Money, Benefits and Programs the Government Hands Out Every Day!

Phew…! Now no-one can possible say that that’s not a helluva lotta stuff for your money…

Who is Money Map Report for?

Ok, so the Money Map Report is totally targeted at those who’re retired (or getting there…). And yes, this is definitely a product that’s going to be of massive interest to this age group.

But actually, to realize why this is also a great product for those of any age, you need to forget about all the free reports and special white papers. Because pretty much any of us who wants to grow their net worth would do well to take stock of the monthly advisory service and the investments that are recommended.

After all, any savvy American realizes that to accumulate, you need to be watching those six key market trends of demographics, scarcity, medicine, energy, technology, and war/conflict. It’s these that are going to provide any investor with the explosive gains that make a big (big!) difference to your financial wealth. And that is for anyone of any age, not just for retirees.

Who the heck is Keith Fitz-Gerald?

keith fitz gerald money map reportSo, the brains behind all the Intel you get from the Money Map Report is Keith Fitz-Gerald. He’s the Chief Investment Strategist, to give him his full title, and the guy is, to put it in a nutshell, an investment whizz!

A long career as a quantitate trader – tick (34 years, to be exact)!

The same amount of time as a market analyst  – tick!

Worked at some of Wall Streets biggest firms – tick! (including Wilshire Associates)

Advises thousands on how to increase their retirement pot – tick!

Let’s just say, Fitz-Gerald is one of those people who not only talks the talk when it comes to investments, but walks the walk as well… His advice is legendary, and some that the very richest in the world have paid hundreds of thousands to get over the years. And now this very same wisdom is on offer to the average American via the Money Map Report.

>> Money Map Report Sounds Good?  Click Here To Get Started <<

The Pros and Cons of Money Map Report

The Pros

  • Ongoing, up to the minute investment advice that’s usually only available to the super-rich or large corporations
  • Investment advice that can be utilized and capitalized on no matter how much (or how little) of a stake you have.
  • Stock picks are based on the day to day trends that are happening right here, right now. And we live in volatile times, so it’s essential to make sure you investment choices take every single aspect into account before risking your money.
  • Simple strategies that everyone can take advantage of. You don’t need to have massive investment experience – all you need to increase your net worth is to read the weekly and monthly reports that are sent though to you and act on the advice.

The Cons

  • The biggest ‘con’ is that the Money Map Report is being advertised with sensationalized headlines of how you’re (probably) owed tens of thousands in social security that you didn’t know about. Sure – the odd person may well be. And in all reality, most of us can probably squeeze a bit more out of Uncle Sam. But this is a great product, and in our humble opinion it doesn’t need to be selling itself short with such attention grabbing tactics. Money Map Report is all about investing – that’s what the product really is. And a very good one it is too…

The Bottom Line

Well, just in case you haven’t realized it yet, we’re converts. Sure, the advertising’s a bit cheesy, but don’t let that take away from the fact that this is a straight up great advisory investment service. And if that’s what you’re looking for, then the Money Map Report is definitely one of the better ones out there. And certainly worth its annual fee. And despite our initial cynicism, it definitely gets the thumbs up from us…

>>Click Here To Get Money Map Report at The Best Deal Available Now<<

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