High Velocity Profits Review – Is Keith Fitz Gerald Legit?

Well, Well, Well…  Another Financial Expert Jumps On The Bandwagon Of Providing Us Mere Mortals With Their Hallowed Advice.  This Time It’s Keith Fitz Gerald.  But Can He Offer Anything More In What’s Already An Over-Crowded Market…?

high velocity profits review

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OK, so many of us are familiar with the name of Keith Fitz Gerald (and if not, we’ll talk more about him in a moment).  And yes, he’s helped multitudes of folk make decent profits – outstanding profits, in many cases – in their trading efforts.  But when we saw that he’s promising, through his High Velocity Profits, how you can make AT LEAST 350% total gains PER WEEK on average from now to the end of 2018, well…  Let’s say it caused us to raise a cynical eyebrow…

But we’re not denying that this guy knows his stuff.  So this left us with no choice but to jump into bed with exactly what High Velocity Profits has on offer.  And if you’re thinking of buying in, then you NEED to read what we discovered.

Because this, my friend, is definitely a case of knowledge is power.  And with the right info, then you can make the right decision as to whether or not this is a potential candidate on which to spend your hard earned cash

What do you get for your money with High Velocity Profits?

So, High Velocity Profits is a restricted access advisory service that literally tells you the point at which to buy shares, and when to sell them.  There’s a whole lot of technical jargon that comes with the product, telling you all about the formulas used blah, blah, blah.

But in short, what this breaks down into is basically the fact that you’re relying on Fitz Gerald’s massive expertise into discovering, vetting, and validating certain stocks and shares that have the potential to make massive gains in a short amount of time.

When you buy in, you get the following:

  • The High Velocity Email Alerts: Exactly as it says, this is alert emails direct to your invoice with ‘straight-to-the-point’ instructions.  In other words, buy this, hold, or sell that’ – it’s as straightforward as that.  You also get additional advice if you’re wanting to speculate a little – again, all in easy-to-understand terminology, with no technical jargon…
  • Brief Company Overviews: These email alerts also include brief company details, including numbers so you can compare against other similar trades.  And then you get a nice picture (in the form of a chart) that shows you what’s happening in terms of price.
  • Urgent ‘Take Profit’ Alerts: Once again, straight to your inbox when there’s any breaking news or a play hits a price targets and it’s time for you to cash in…
  • Free Text Notification Option: If you’d also like to receive these alerts by SMS, then you can choose to have these as well.
  • The High Velocity Profits Digital Dossier: Enjoy this quick tutorial that shows exactly how the strategy works, how to execute the trades, and the quickest way in which to capture your profits.  And loads more info – if you want to learn more about trading, and become more independent in your play.
  • The High Velocity Profits Quick Start Videos: You get two of these a week in your first month of membership.  Each is designed to provide you with a visual overview of the service, and allow you to delve deeper into the nuts and bolts of how Fitz Gerald finds the most potentially profitable targets.

Who the heck is Keith Fitzgerald?

keith fitz gerald high velocity profits Well, this is certainly a guy with a track record – and an amazing one at that!  He’s probably one of the most widely read market gurus on the whole planet, with over three quarters of a million investor-savvy folk hanging on his every word.

And it’s certainly with good reason.  Because this guy was one of the very few to foresee the dot-com crash and the 2008 financial crisis – and helped untold millions manage to avoid disaster in those troubled times.  He’s done his time as a professional trader, advised both wealthy individuals and massive corporations on billions of dollars of investments, and has been called by Forbes.com a ‘business visionary’.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his credentials.  We could go on (and on…), but we’re sure you get the gist – he knows his stuff…!

Who is High Velocity Profits for?

High Velocity Profits will appeal to anyone who wants to make real, sustained profits, and see them increase in a short amount of time.  In addition, it’s ideal for the person who has little or no knowledge of the markets, because you don’t need to do any work at all to discover the right investments for your money.

trading playbookPlus, if you’ve little time to spend each day or week on your trading efforts, but still want to see profits, then High Velocity Profits takes all those wasted man hours out of the equation – because it does it all for you.

The Pros and Cons of High Velocity Profits

The Pros

  • High Velocity Profits takes away all of those tedious hours of market research of looking up potential stocks in which to invest. The service does all of that for you.
  • You can literally trade sacrificing only a few minutes per week, thanks to the straightforward emails and alerts, informing you of your exact next move.
  • A VIP concierge service is available should you have any trading or membership questions – you can contact them by email or phone.
  • High Velocity Profits backs it’s 350% per week total weekly gains guarantee. If the trades recommended haven’t hit that target by the end of the year, you get a full and immediate refund – no questions asked.

The Cons

  • Well, the biggest down side to High Velocity Profits is that it truly is a restricted access product. Only a total of 2,500 new members are to be allowed to join this year.  And once those places are filled, they’re filled.  So if you want in, you need to move fast.

The Bottom Line

You know, we honestly thought that there was nothing new to be offered in the investment advisory field.  But when it comes to High Velocity Profits, we sure were wrong.  Because this, if you manage to secure a place, is a fast-track road to getting some of the coolest, most accurate (and more importantly – profit making) advice from one of the most successful traders of our times.

There’s already a whole bunch of folks out there quietly raking in the profits from Fitz Gerald’s advice.  And with high Velocity Profits, you can join them.  In short, if you want sound investment advice, you need it from a top quality source.  And Keith Fitz Gerald is one of the best out there.  In our humble opinion, High Velocity Profits is worth every single dime.  One of the best such services we’ve ever come across…

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