The Churchouse Letter Review – Truth About Peter Churchouse Service

Looking For Gains On Your Investment That Could Hit 14,318%…?  With Headline Grabbers Like That It’s No Wonder The Churchouse Letter Has Gotten Your Attention…

the churchouse letter review

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OK, so you’re interested in real estate investment.  And, let’s face it, there’s a few products out there that proclaim to show you how to make your own fortune with some clever purchases.  The Churchouse Letter is one of these, and we have to admit, there seems to be a fair bit of evidence that it’s a valid product.

However!  Let’s not run away with the incredible profit figures that the advertising blurb is saying you can potentially make.  After all, those telephone number amounts that have been made in the past are one-offs, and you must be sure to remember that.

For anyone looking to find a service that can provide them with real, genuine information on exactly where and when to invest in international property, then it’s vital not to get over-excited by the cleverly written words of some copywriter.  Instead, you need to take a rational and composed look at exactly what’s being offered.

And we’ve done this for you, because hey!  We hate scam products!  And boy oh boy, there’s a lot of them out there.  Cue our in-depth deep dive into exactly what The Churchill Letter is, and whether or not it’s worth a) your time, and b) your hard earned cash.

So if you’re considering a purchase, be sure to read our discoveries before you part with a single red cent…

What do you get for your money with The Churchouse Letter?

So, what The Churchouse Letter is, despite what the advertising might have you believe the ‘real’ product is, is a monthly advisory service.  And, this is important, it’s not just about real estate.

The product is a ‘letter’ (received via email) each month that details Peter Churchouse’s top picks in where you might like to invest your money for maximum returns.  The kind of industry news you can expect from the newsletter might include the following:

  • Chinese environmental play: Where in the past his recommendations have brought in attractive profits of 46%
  • Blue Chip cryptocurrencies: The savvy investor can’t have failed to have heard about cryptos, and many of Peter’s readers made double and triple profits when he touted Bitcoin back in the day.  But more recently, his recommendations have brought in a natty 388% profit for those who followed his advice.
  • New, unheard of companies: In which to invest.  For example, Churchouse told his readers about a small-cap stock of a sports equipment company that’s making great inroads into its US$12 billion buck market!  Within weeks of the heads up the stocks soared, with readers now sitting on a cool 49% gain.  Not bad for a few week’s work…

And these are just a couple of examples.  So, in a nutshell, what you’re actually buying into is the investment advice of this business tycoon, and plugging into his enormous network of contacts that the guy’s made over the past 30+ years.

Oh, and you also get a few bonuses along with the monthly newsletter:

  • Real Prosperity Through Real Estate: Churchouse’s new book, that’ll tell you all you need to know about investing in international property.
  • And the missing chapter: Because the above book, if you purchase it though any other channel, has an extra chapter called ‘5 Real Estate Stocks You Should Buy Right Now’ – a title that’s pretty self explanatory…
  • The bonus report, “Real Estate, Stock Investor’s Checklist
  • The bonus report, ‘Trade of the Decade’: Which details all the details on the giant Asian middle class boom and what this means for real estate
  • The bonus report, ‘Wealth & Success Blueprint’: A list of Churchouse’s guiding principles for making profits and building a successful life.

And, along with all this, you get the first 30 days of The Churchouse Letter as a free trial.

Who the heck is Peter Churchouse?

peter churchouse the churchouse letterOK, so we can’t deny that Churchouse certainly knows his onions when it comes to investments.  The guy’s been making millions since the 1980s, and brokers and fund managers have been falling over themselves since then to get his advice.  And whilst he’s a true guru in all things money-making – think Wall Street analyst, strategies, private equity, cryptcurrencies, blah, blah blah…  The sector that he’s helped others make real fortunes in, is that of real estate.

And today he has thousands of readers who desperately hang onto his every word in order to make their own fortunes.  This New Zealand born investment expert has proven time and time again his incredible prowess in property investment – and shows others how to do exactly the same to swell their own bank balances.

Who is The Churchouse Letter for?

The Churchouse Letter will appeal to those who’re looking for alternative investment opportunities to the ‘regular’ places to put your money.  Forget the banks, regular investing, blue chips and the like.  What you’ll discover in this advisory service are other places to put your money for potentially much larger profits.

The Pros and Cons of The Churchouse Letter

The Pros

  • For a small annual amount you can tap into the huge network of a guy who’s been a personal advisor for some of the richest folks and corporations on the planet for over three decades.
  • You’ll get the heads up on potential profit making investments BEFORE they hit the mainstream. And we all know that once investments such as these become general public knowledge, the boat has already sailed…
  • It’s likely that the information you get from The Churchouse Letter is pretty new and often cutting edge. It’s certainly not the kind of information you’ll get through any regular trading advice you might have had in the past.
  • If you just want the book and the bonus reports, you have the chance to cancel your subscription to The Churchouse Letter at any point, free of charge, during the 30-day free trial.

The Cons

  • OK, so all of the ‘freebies’ (well, they’re not free, you have to pay $19 bucks), are actually a cover for the fact that you’re being signed up to the monthly advisory service. That’s fine, but it’d be nice if it wasn’t ‘hidden’ in such a sneaky manner.
  • Churchouse, while he’s had a very successful trading career, is perhaps one of the lesser-known names that’s offering such a monthly advisory service.
  • In comparison to other, similar products on the market, the advice you isn’t currently as prolific as some.
  • The advice that we’ve seen in the letters so far is very real estate heavy. This is fine if this is the way you want to go.  But for some people there might not be enough variety as to where to put their money.

The Bottom Line

Well, to sum up…  The Churchouse Letter is, despite where the advertising tries to lead you, a monthly advisory service on alternative investment ideas.  The information comes from Peter Churchouse, a guy with decades of experience in doing just that!  He’s not only amassed a huge fortune for himself with such investments, but has been and still is an advisor to some of the largest corporations and high profile private investors on the planet.

The advice you receive is in alternative investment ideas, and these naturally come with a higher risk (and potentially much higher profits) than regular blue chips and stock market options.  Many of these are in the real estate niche as this is Peter’s specialty.

The Churchouse Letter does provide the regular guy on the street with information that, while not secret, certainly isn’t something you’d come across without inside advice.  There are other similar products on the market that are a little less real estate top heavy, so a potential purchaser of The Churchouse Letter needs to bear this in mind.  If you’re looking for an advisory service that has a better variety of options, then there are better alternatives out there.

However, it seems to offer great value for money, and the advice within the monthly email is certainly cutting edge.  A product well worth your consideration…

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