Palm Beach Trader Review – How’s Jason Bodner’s Newsletter?

Can A Monthly Newsletter Service Really Provide You With More Money For Your Retirement…? After All, Is There Honestly Anything That Jason Bodner Can Tell You That You Can’t Find Out For Yourself…?

No matter which way you turn at the moment, it seems that someone is desperate for you to pay them money so they can show you how to MAKE money… Hmmm… We have to say, most of these such ‘services’ we’ve looked at are, not to put too fine a point on it, boring, bland, and don’t contain any information that you can’t find out yourself with a quick Google search.

So is the Palm Beach Trader, which is the company that provides the Palm Beach Letter, any different…? Well, from a first glance, the one thing that makes this service make us want to take a second look is the fact that it’s produced by Jason Bodner. Now, we’ll talk more about him in a moment. But first of all, let’s look at exactly what you’ll get if you jump into bed with the Palm Beach Trader.

I actually have access to it, so I posted this Palm Beach Trader review video here.

If you want to see their tried and true services check out our Palm Beach Letter review here, or the Palm Beach Confidential review here.

What do you get for your money with Palm Beach Trader?

OK, when you sign up for the Palm Beach Trader, then what you’re getting is a monthly newsletter that gives well-researched advice on ways that the average US citizen could dramatically increase their income.

Yes, the advertising promotes a whole bunch of other stuff (and we’ll cover that too).

Who is Palm Beach Trader for?

We personally think that the advertising machine behind the Palm Beach Trader is missing a trick. Because actually, the information contained within its monthly pages is something that every single money savvy American should know about. Let’s face it… Who doesn’t want to see their personal wealth grow…? Retirement might still be some years (decades?) away, but wouldn’t it be nice to see that pot grow, and grow, and grow…?

The Pros and Cons of Palm Beach Trader

The Pros

  • The information provided is suitable for both those already retired, and those who’re thinking about their retirement.
  • All of the advice given provides clear instructions as to how you can benefit.
  • Research into potential investments has been carried out to the fullest extent.
  • If you decide that the Palm Beach Trader advisory newsletter service is not for you, then all you need do is let their friendly customer advisory team know within the first 30 days, and you won’t pay a penny. And you get to keep all the books and reports.

The Cons

  • Well, as with any investments, nothing is ever 100% guaranteed. So invest your money wisely, and never put more into a single product than you can afford to lose.

The Bottom Line

D’you know…? We had a gut feeling when we first came across the Palm Beach Trader, and for once, it wasn’t proven wrong. You see, we have a huge amount of respect for the team at Palm Beach and the advice gives tens of thousands of people in the US who subscribe to his advisories. So we’re very (very!) happy to say that the Palm Beach Trader really is a product that the cash-savvy American can use to his or her financial advantage.

We love the fact that every part of this product is written in plain, easy to understand language – there’s nothing complicated about it. Some services try to blind you with technicalities – not so with the Palm Beach Trader. To sum up… Well, it’s probably one of the best all round advisory services we’ve ever come across. If you’re looking to make your money work as hard as it possible can to build or supplement your retirement fund, the Palm Beach Trader really will be your perfect partner. Awesome…!

Rating: [yasr_overall_rating]