Global Trading Dispatch Review – Is The Mad Hedge Fund Trader Legit?

Can The ‘Mad Hedge Fund Trader’ Really Provide You With The Necessary Information To Make Substantial Profits Over 60% Of The Time…

global trading dispatch review>> Click Here To Go To The Official Global Trading Dispatch Website <<

Listen up, people…  Because there are a hundred and one (and more) people out there delivering advisory services that promise to make you a more successful trader.  And d’you know what…?  Most of them are pants!  But when it comes to Global Trading Dispatch, we have to admit that we paused to take a second look.

So, why is that…?  Well, in case you don’t know, its creator – John Thomas – is perhaps one of the greatest names in Hedge Fund trading ever.  Yes, ever…  AKA The Mad Hedge Fund Trader, in this, his personal advisory service, he proclaims to provide you with all the wonderful researched trading choices that stand the greatest chance of making you a small (or large!) fortune.

Sounds great, doesn’t it…?  But hey – we all know that a clever copywriter can make the worst of products sound like a million bucks.  So the only way to find out for sure was to dive right in to what the program is all about.

Below are our findings.  And we have to say, they certainly do make for fascinating reading…

What do you get for your money with Global Trading Dispatch?

OK, so what Global Trading Dispatch is, is an advisory service straight from the desk of the master that is John Thomas (we’ll talk more about him in a moment, just in case his name is new to you…).

And the product breaks down like this:

  • The Global Trading Dispatch Daily Newsletter: Why is it daily…?  Because the markets trade daily, of course.  Forget these ridiculous services that only get in contact once a month – fortunes have been made, lost, and made again in that time…  This daily research gives you the deep background on all the trades and economic trends in play – and in the world of finance, this moves real fast.  This is the place where you’ll get true hedge fund manager info – something that has never, ever been on offer to regular traders like you and us before – ever!
  • The Global Trading Dispatch Instant Trade Alerts: Messages direct to your cell when you need to make a move – like now!  If you think the market moves fast on a daily basis, then be damn sure that hour by hour, you need someone on your side with their finger directly on the pulse…
  • Biweekly Live Global Strategy Webinars: These are headed by the Mad Hedge trading staff, who between them combine over 100 years of trading experience…!
  • Strategy luncheons: These take place at various locations around the world – and you’ll get a personal invite…!  This is where you can literally rub shoulders with some of the most investment-savvy money managers to have ever walked this earth…
  • Access to John Thomas’s personal 9 year database: You can search by ticker symbol and company name.  This is an amazing resource that up until now has only ever been available to high level hedge fund managers.

>> Join The Mad Hedge Fund Trader in His Global Trading Dispatch.  Click Here To Get Started <<

Who the heck is John Thomas?

 john thomas global trading dispatchSo, this guy certainly has an awesome track record.  There’s the fact that he’s got over five decades of experience in the global financial markets.  Or how about that he’s one of the founders of the modern hedge fund industry…?  Did we mention that he spent 10 years as The Economist correspondent in Tokyo, and later, the White House?  He also spent a decade running the very first international dedicated hedge fund.

We could go on (and on) with listing this guy’s experience.  But hey – there’s not enough time in this short review to mention all his accolades.  Suffice to say, the guy knows his onions – there’s simply no doubt about that…!

Who is Global Trading Dispatch for?

OK, so we have to say that Global Trading Dispatch is the perfect vehicle for those who already have some experience trading the markets.  The thing is, this is not a ‘done for you’ service…  It’s an advisory that gives you some seriously in-depth information on exactly what’s going on right now, and your job is to utilize this info to your own advantage.

It’s ideal for those who want to further advance their success levels, and understand the all-important news that he brings you your attention, and how it can seriously effect when and what you’re trading.  If you have a little bit of knowledge, the Global Trading Dispatch advisory could turn you from an average (or poor) performer, into a rising super star – the information really is that powerful…

The Pros and Cons of Global Trading Dispatch

The Pros

  • Global Trading Dispatch is genuinely unique. This is the opportunity to jump into bed with a true legend when it comes to finance.  Never before has such a service been on offer, and it really is like having the master of masters providing you with exactly what you needs to become a success in your own right.
  • You get the information you need on a daily basis – and even more frequently if necessary. This is vital as market movements and the appropriate action can’t wait if you’re really looking to make substantial profits.
  • There’s always a bull (or a bear) market somewhere – if you know where to find it. Global Trading Dispatch will show you exactly how to exploit these very happenings to your own advantage, and to draw in maximum gains
  • This isn’t simply an advisory service. It’s more of a mentoring one, because Thomas and the team actively encourage your to grow your knowledge, as well as utilizing their expertize to place your trades at exactly the right place and time.

The Cons

  • The biggest issue is that Thomas only takes on 25 new subscribers at a time. It’s strictly first come, first served – so if you want in, you need to move now…

The Bottom Line

So – Mr. Thomas…  You’re everything we hoped you’d be – and more.  Because Global Trading Dispatch is (and we can’t think of any other word to use), incredible…  And this isn’t a load of hyperbole – the product honestly does deliver.

If you’re fed up with wasting money on advisory services that simply don’t hit the spot, then believe us when we say that Global Trading Dispatch really is different.  And in today’s volatile times it’s even more important that you have a mentor that can truly guide you along the way.  Global Trading Dispatch is all we hoped it’d be – and more.  And if you manage to grab one of the hallowed spaces, then we think you’re going to be one happy trader indeed…

>> Ready To Try The Mad Hedge Fund Trader’s Global Trading Dispatch?  Click Here Now <<

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