Palm Beach Current Income Review – Is It Good?

A Radical And Fast Method Of Learning An Intelligent Investment Strategy That Can Honestly Provide You With A Substantial Second Income?  OK, Pull The Other One…

So, what the Palm Beach Current Income is offering via its glitzy marketing is to show you a new way of making a second (or only) income, with far less risk than any other methods.  Hmmmm, we don’tPalm Beach Current Income Reviewknow about you, but claims like this immediately get our hackles rising.

But, never let it be said that we don’t give new products a fair trial.  So we got down and dirty to discover exactly what Palm Beach Current Income is all about.

And what we found out makes for very interesting reading…

What do you get for your money with Palm Beach Current Income?

Right, so when you buy into Palm Beach Current Income, what you’re doing is signing up for a one-year membership deal.  In a nutshell, what it is, is an advisory program with a difference.  That difference being that it takes an educational approach to teaching members the strategies behinds the ideas and concepts.

And this includes the following:

  • A 6-Part Educational Webinar:  Via your own computer, you get half a dozen hour-long lessons that show you real simulations of the program.  This gives you the opportunity to first master the basics, leading to full understanding as to how the strategy works.
  • Five Minute Homework Assignments:  Here you can track sample recommendations either using the supplied trading log or the free broker simulator.  That way you learn how to place trades using real world examples.
  • Q&A’s:  Because in every educational program you naturally have questions to ask.  So you have the full opportunity to ask as many questions as you need to.
  • Post-Course Test:  This gives you the opportunity to judge yourself and find out if you have any gaps in your knowledge.
  • The Palm Beach Current Income Research Advisory:  And once you’ve followed the course and truly understood how to lower your trading risks to the absolute minimum, the research advisory service will provide you with weekly details on an instant income opportunity.

>>Click Here To Get Palm Beach Current Income<<

Who is Palm Beach Current Income for?

Want to make a real and sustained income trading low risk options?  Perhaps you’ve had your fingers burned before, and are a little hesitant to take the plunge again.  Well, the reason most people fail to make a real income from the stock and options market is that they don’t truly understand how it works.  What the Palm Beach Current Income offers is the opportunity to delve into the very reasons why trades work… and why they don’t.  Only once you know this can you truly lower the risk factor to the absolute minimum.  This course is literally suitable for anyone – male or female, young or old, employed or unemployed.  Just as long as you have an urge to learn – and to make money…

Who are Edward and Tom Dyson?

tom dysonEdward and Tom are a father and son team who’ve come together to show others their successful method of collecting what they call ‘digital cash.’  Edward is a former Citigroup and Salomon Bros Trading Specialist, and Tom has studied accounting and worked on the bond trading desks for the same employers.  However, when Tom advised his father to sell his Lehman Brothers stocks just before the 2008 crisis, he didn’t heed what his son said.  A devastating blow that saw him literally losing his pension pot.

So, using Tom’s current expertise, they moved into the strategy of collecting ‘digital cash.’ – a safe, low risk method of making money – substantial money – online.  They now both are independently wealthy, and have created Palm Beach Current Income so others can learn to do exactly the same as they do.

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The Pros and Cons of Palm Beach Current Income

The Pros

  • This is not a typical Internet or work from home business.  In fact, it’s not a business at all as you don’t sell anything.
  • You don’t need to be particularly computer savvy.  As long as you have a computer, Internet connection and enough knowledge to surf the net and send an email, then you can take full advantage of the Palm Beach Current Income educational course and advisory service.
  • It’s proven – there are hundreds of thousands of people the world over making substantial ‘digital cash’ – and by learning the methods you too can be one of them.
  • It’s fast.  Once you’ve successfully completed the training course, you can begin making money straight away.
  • There’s no need to risk any money buying into the Palm Beach Current Income program, because it comes with an incredible 90 day, no quibble, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied.

>>Click Here To Get Palm Beach Current Income<<

The Cons

  • OK, so the biggest so called ‘con’ about Palm Beach Current Income might well be your own cynicism towards the product.  After all, it all sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?  Well, that’s exactly what we thought – at first.  But we couldn’t have been more wrong.  And with the 90-day money back guarantee that makes giving it a try a bit of a no-brainer, in our humble opinion.  Because you really do have nothing to lose.

The Bottom Line

Well, considering that we were almost positive that we were going to give Palm Beach Current Income a complete panning, we’re almost as astonished as you probably are.  Because, in a nutshell, this is a fantastic program, and completely different from any other advisory letter that we’ve ever come across.  If you’re looking for a method that honestly can reduce your risk level as low as possible, then we think this is it.  There’s going to be a whole bunch of happy customers, that’s for sure…

>>Click Here To Get A Special Deal on PBCI<<

Our Rating: [yasr_overall_rating]