A Method To Make Money From Marijuana That Won’t See Your Sorry Ass Banged Up In Jail….! Come On, What Interest Is Pot To The Serious Investor…?
If you’re anything like us, then you’re always on the lookout for the next ‘big thing’ to invest in. After all, we all know that the real big bucks are to be made by managing to spot that gold mine just waiting to happen, and jump on board before the boat has sailed out of the harbor. So when we came across the Green Gold Rush by Microcap Millionaires (a company that we do have a lot of respect for), we naturally wanted to know more.
But can you honestly take a company seriously who reckons that the way we can have a huge chance of turning a few hundred bucks into thousands is by investing in marijuana? After all, it’s illegal virtually everywhere right now – although that could well be set to change.
So, there was nothing else for us to do than to get down and dirty with The Green Gold Rush, and find out exactly what it’s all about. And we have to say, it certainly makes for interesting reading…
What do you get for your money with Green Gold Rush?
Okay, so what The Green Gold Rush by Microcap Millionaires is all about, is providing you with information about how you could make seriously money trading in penny stocks through the legalization of marijuana. This information includes the following ‘Tells’ that really do bring investing in cannabis to the masses (and those who want to stay inside the law, naturally…)
- Legal Weed could create a Brand New $120 Billion per Annum Industry: in the US, if and when it’s legalized (potentially in this year…)
- The 2014 Mid-Term Election: could well see many states and localities put legalizing weed on the ballot (such as was seen in the state of Colorado in 2012)
- Potential to rise 100%, 200% or even more: no-one can actually tell quite how high this might rise. For example, in November 2012 (in conjunction with the Colorado ballot), another weed stock rose from $3 up to $215 dollars a share. Pretty amazing stuff, hey…!
- Full Analysis, Trading Strategy & Exit Zone: So you get an in-depth understanding of exactly how, why and when you should be trading in this market to get the full potential of profit.
- Step by Step ‘How To’ Guide: meaning you get a full understanding about a) what you’re actually investing in, b) how to go about it and c) the full risks and potential of what you’re investing your hard earned cash into.
- Previous Markers That Make this such a Viable Investment ‘Risk’: The report provides you with in-depth analysis of how the Colorado ballot in 2012 saw legal marijuana investments leap an incredible amount in a short amount of time. And although nothing ever follows exactly the same line, it’s highly likely that the upcoming mid-term elections will see a similar episode occurring. And it’s this high probability that make investing in ‘legal weed’ such an attractive proposition.
Who is Green Gold Rush for?
This is a trading option for absolutely anyone. And it doesn’t matter whether you’ve got a huge amount of experience in trading stocks (of any kind), or whether this is your first time dipping your toe in the water of trading. Male or female, young or old, computer savvy or otherwise, this works for everyone and anyone who wants the best chance of making a really decent profit.
Who are Microcap Millionaires?
Okay, so what Microcap Millionaires specialize in, is providing in-depth reports in whether certain penny stocks are worth investing in. The company is headed by Matt Morris, the personality behind the Microcap Millionaire Newsletter that gives advice on what to buy and sell in this niche. His specialty is seeking out those stocks from the multitude available that really do have the chance to make you some money. He’s also an extremely successful penny stock trader himself. Since 2008 (when he started providing the Microcap Millionaires newsletter), his investments have just increased. And 2013 was his best year yet…
The Pros and Cons of Green Gold Rush
The Pros
- This is not ‘pump and dump’ stock. So many people get their fingers burned in this manner, simply because it’s easy for the unscrupulous to dress these up so they sound attractive, only to see you learn your lesson the hard way…
You don’t need thousands to get started. Microcap Millionaires specialize in penny stocks (or microcap stocks), meaning that anyone with a few bucks to invest can honestly get on board and start to grow their portfolio.
- This is not only a system that you can use to make money, but it also offers a great deal of advice in how to do so. It gives you bucket loads of information as to why marijuana could well be the next big thing, but it also talks about the negative aspects as well. This means that you get a balanced view from both sides of the playing field.
- If the legalization of cannabis comes to pass, this honestly could be one of the first penny stocks since the 1850s Gold Rush that has the potential to jump into the big league and draw you in money like you – well, the original Gold Rush…
- There is no guesswork on your part for, you get a ‘done for you’ trading plan at any time of the day or night.
The Cons
- Okay, so the one thing that you must realize is the The Green Gold Rush is speculative in nature. This is banking on the fact that pot will be made legal in more states, and you must admit that it really is a hot topic right now, and one that could well be an election winner for whichever political party gets it right.
The Bottom Line
D’you know what? We honestly thought that The Green Gold was going to be a bit of a joke when we first came across it. But we have to say, the more we delved into it, the more we were brought on side that this really could be a viable investment option. After all, marijuana is now legal in the state of Colorado, so potentially there’s no reason why this wouldn’t be extended nationwide.
And if it is, those who’ve taken the advice of what’s contained in The Green Gold Rush really will be laughing all the way to the bank. It just depends on how much risk you’re prepared to take. But considering your investment really doesn’t need to cost you very much, it really isn’t that much of a risk at all. Well done, Microcap Millionaires – you’ve certainly got us thinking about pot in a completely different light…
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